Balloon electrode catheter for transesophageal atrial pacing and transesophageal ECG recording.
Heinke M, Volkmann H. Department of Internal Medicine, Jena-Lobeda, Germany. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 1992 Nov;15(11 Pt 2):1953-6. A new balloon electrode catheter (10 French) with five or six balloon electrodes placed on the cardiac side was developed for transesophageal atrial pacing and bipolar ECG recording. The diameter of the hemispheric electrodes is 6 mm and the length of the esophageal balloon is 10 cm. The transesophageal atrial pacing threshold was measured with the balloon electrode catheter by transesophageal programmed atrial stimulation (TPS) (n = 54). At the onset of TPS, the feeling, capture (n = 54), and pain voltage threshold (n = 6) were measured by increasing the amplitude of the pacing voltage during high rate bipolar atrial pacing and bipolar atrial ECG recording. In 38 TPS, the capture threshold was lower than the feeling threshold (n = 28). In 16 TPS, the capture threshold was higher than the feeling threshold. In conclusion, painless atrial pacing and excellent ECG recording can be achieved with a multipolar esophageal balloon electrode catheter with a low pacing voltage amplitude and a high P wave amplitude.