Transesophageal Atrial Pacing during Echocardiography Exams
The possibilities of using ambulatory stress echocardiography with transesophageal atrial stimulation.
Ziablov Iu I, Trivozhenko AB. Ter Arkh 1997;69(4):21-2. Stress echocardiography (duplex regimen echocardiography combined with transesophageal pacing) was performed outpatiently in 64 subjects. Among them there were patients with verified angina of effort and ischemic heart disease suspects. The test reached diagnostic criteria in 85% of the examinees. Significant signs of coronary insufficiency were recorded in 12% of patients with doubtful evidence obtained at bicycle ergometry. This method is proposed as an alternative (in addition to stress ECG tests) variant of outpatient diagnosis of coronary insufficiency in doubtful cases and to assess coronary reserve in patients with verified ischemic heart disease.