Transesophageal Cardioversion and Defibrillation

Transesophageal stimulation of the left cardiac atrium in treatment of atrial flutter.

Raczak G; Swiatecka G; Lubinski A; Kubica J; Stanke A. Gdansku. Pol Tyg Lek (Poland), Feb 4-11 1991, 46(6-7) p112-4. Transesophageal stimulation of the left cardiac atrium in the treatment of paroxysmal atrial flutter was assessed. An attempt of such a therapy in paroxysmal atrial flutter involved 20 patients. Cardiac atrium was stimulated with overdrive technique, with single or pair of stimuli and multiple impulses of various frequency and duration. Reversal to sinus rhythm was achieved in 10 patients (in 3 out of them through phase of atrial fibrillation transitory). Results confirm therapeutical value of the transesophageal stimulation of the left cardiac atrium in atrial flutter.

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