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Indications & Potential Risks
Yunchang C, Shoulian F, Duanxing G, Shixiang G, Jifent F, Zhushen K, Zhougfan L. Guizhou Provincial Cardiovascular Institute, Republic of China. Circulation 1989 Nov;80(5):1354-9.
Indications & Potential Risks
Yamanouchi Y, Kumagai K, Tashiro N, Hiroki T, Arakawa K. Fukuoka University, Japan. Am Heart J 1992 Feb;123(2):417-20.
Indications & Potential Risks
Montoyo JV, Angel J, Valle V, Gaus C. Ciudad Sanitaria de la Seguridad S. Am J Cardiol 1973 Jul;32(1):85-90.
Indications & Potential Risks
McKeown PP, Croal S, Allen JD, Anderson J, Adgey AA. Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. Am Heart J 1993 Feb;125(2 Pt 1):396-404 Abstract
Indications & Potential Risks
McNally EM, Meyere EC, Langendorf R. Michael Reese Hosp, Chicago. Circulation 33:124-127, 1966.
Indications & Potential Risks
Cohen TJ, Chin MC, Oliver DG, Scheinman MM, Griffin JC. University of California, San Francisco. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 1993 Jun;16(6):1285-92.
Pediatric Cardiology
Janousek J. Center of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Prague. Int J Cardiol 25(1):7-14, 1989.
Pediatric Cardiology
Paul T, et al. Anaesthesist 42(8):564-6, 1993.
Pediatric Cardiology
Samson RA, Deal BJ, Strasburger JF, Benson DW Jr. J Am Coll Cardiol 26(1):159-63, 1995.
Pediatric Cardiology
Sung CS, et al. Chung Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih (Taiwan) 55(1):58-63,1995.
Pediatric Cardiology
Dunnigan A, et al. Pediatrics 75(4):725-729,1985.
Pediatric Cardiology
Rhodes LA, et al. Am J Cardiol 15;74(4):353-6,1994.
Pediatric Cardiology
Campbell RM, et al. Pediatrics 75(4):730-6,1985.
Pediatric Cardiology
Vitiuello, et al. The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. J Am Coll Cardiol 32(5), 1998.
Esophageal ECG
Bagger H. Ugeskr Laeger 153(47):3321-2, 1988.
Esophageal ECG
Gallagher JJ, et al. PACE 3(4): 440-51, 1980.
Esophageal ECG
Brembilla-Perrot B. Am Heart J 121(6 Pt 1):1714-20, 1991.
Esophageal ECG
Malik M, Camm AJ. Clin Cardiol 13, 570-576, 1990.
Esophageal ECG
Hsiao HC, et al. Chung Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih (Taipei) 60(2):81-5, 1997.
Esophageal ECG
Bushman GA. J Cardiothor Anesth 3(3):290-4, 1989.
Esophageal ECG
Dunnigan A, et al. Pediatrics 75(4):725-729, 1985.
Esophageal ECG
Kates RA, et al. Anesth Analg 61(9):781-5, 1982.
Esophageal ECG
Shaw M, et al. Am J Med 82(4):689-96, 1987.
Volkmann H, et al. PACE 13(12 Pt 2):2044-7, 1990.
Lucet V, et al. Arch Fr Pediatr 47(3):185-9, 1990.
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