Transesophageal Cardioversion and Defibrillation

Transesophageal stimulation in the treatment of atrial flutter and tachysystole.

Gallay P, Bertinchant JP, Lehujeur C, Errera J, Leenhardt A, Grolleau R, Puech P. Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss 1985 Mar;78(3):311-6. Transoesophageal left atrial pacing was used to reduce 102 episodes of ectopic atrial rhythms (79 common flutters and 23 ectopic tachycardias) in 83 patients (64 men, 19 women) aged 33 to 85 years (average 61

Transesophageal stimulation in the treatment of atrial flutter and tachysystole. Read More »

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